Friday, July 11, 2008

Blogging, a Literacy Skill for the 21st Century

“The convergence of media and technology in a global culture is changing the way we learn about the world and challenging the very foundations of education. No longer is it enough to be able to read the printed word; children, youth, and adults, too, need the ability to both critically interpret the powerful images of a multimedia culture and express themselves in multiple media forms.Media literacy education provides a framework and a pedagogy for the new literacy needed for living, working and citizenship in the 21st century. Moreover it paves the way to mastering the skills required for lifelong learning in a constantly changing world.” Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World

Literacy For the 21 Century A Framework for Learning and Teaching in A Media Age Critical Thinking / Creative Communicationst. From, on May 29th, 2008.

This is a great article/book.

Blogging is evoloving encourages us to continiously act was writers, thinkers, evaluators and re-evaluators, information seekers, communicators. In the "old days" students wrote a story, gave it to their teacher and that was pretty much the end of the story. Students also wrote in journals, and the teacher looked them over, and that journal latter gathered dust. Students read a book, and wrote a book report, the teacher looked it over and maybe it was posted on a bulletin board in the hallway or the student read the report out loud to the rest of the class and maybe one or two students raised their hands a made a comment or two.
TODAY... Harry Pottor books are released and all over the web are places to blog and share "your" thoughts and the book, and someone blogs back about what you wrote, knowledge sharing at its finest. Students take a class trip to a Civil War battle site and post pictures and daily blogs about their experiences, these expereinces can become experiences of the reader (almost in real time). The reader can ask questions, get the initial blogger to perhaps seek out an answer to a question or delve further into their trip experiences. Basically, there really is no end to the sharing of information in a blog, there is no "dust" and people outside of the school halls, where I saw at a school great field trip pics with little write-ups, can also have a great learning experience.

Why is blogging a skill in the 21st Century, so that one can communicate and share information outside of the physical classroom walls and also to better appreciate other peoples' views and opinions and to be present in the cyberworld.
By the way, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and to appreciate my comments & opinions. While, it is impossible for everyone to concur with my ideas, it is knowing that you acknowledged my ideas & respected my participation in the cyberworld of blogging that both validates me and inspires me.

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